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Masterson Method Certified Practitioner, MMCP

Horse Show

From my earliest recollection there are two things I have come to understand about myself…I will do anything to help others and I am uber competitive. I also have a passion for animals, specifically horses, so as you can expect my childhood consisted of competing with my horses. Out of high school, showing horses took a backseat as my drive to help others led to a 20+ year career in the fire service. As you can imagine, being a female firefighter wasn’t easy physically. To maintain my fitness standard, I found drive as a competitive athlete but neither of these were easy on my body or mind. To keep my body functioning at peak performance (and mostly injury free) I found significant value in sports medicine. Modalities like deep tissue massage, myofascial release, Graston, e-stim therapy, chiropractic, etc. were valuable for rehabilitation from injuries as well as maintenance to keep me going. Practicing yoga, Pilates, meditation, and inviting horses back into my life centered and grounded my busy, over-achieving mind.

My goal has always been to get back in the show pen, however, life has had other plans. As my career settled, the horses I had planned to compete on had underlying health issues that needed to be supported prior to my desire to show. Additionally, as my kids have grown up their needs and the needs of their horses have had to come before mine which put showing on the backburner. As my kids are now transitioning into young adult life, I’ve had the opportunity to re-evaluate goals and my true desire with my horses and this time, I’m doing it for the horses, not mine. I have come to realize that the greatest enjoyment I experience is not aiming for that blue ribbon but helping horses feel their best, so they have a greater opportunity to perform at their best and feel their best. Realizing the same modalities that had helped me so much throughout the years in a very demanding career are the same modalities that can be applied to horses to help them feel and perform their best. This, in turn, is a win-win for the horses, their owners and myself as it ultimately combines my desire to help others (both two-legged and four-legged) succeed together as a team and makes me feel good knowing I’m doing right by the horse. This is what led me to open the doors of Full Circle Integrated Equine Therapy. With my drive for competitiveness being the silver-lining motivator leading me to offer the very best services and treatments for my clients. I urge you to reach out today to see what I can do for you and the horses you value the most.

Athletic Wellness
Athletic Strength
Equine Communication
Versatility Ranch Trail
Fire Investigator


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Full Circle Integrated Equine Therapy

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